Established in 2001, R.I.K as a subsidiary of Japan Fawick Co.,Ltd with the vision to better service its’ customers in the South East Asian Region.

With its’ first subsidiary in Singapore and subsequently as the Group Head Office, R.I.K. have expanded its operations to the rest of South East Asia.

Establishing offices in Thailand (Bangkok), Philippines (Manila) and Indonesia (Jakarta), with extensive distribution and dealer networks.

RIK’s expertise started in 2001 being the Authorised Distributor of Eaton Airflex Clutches and Brakes, Coremo Brakes, Re SpA and Goizper Brake and Clutch.

With its growing reputation in South East Asia, brands such as Logan Clutch, Hasegawa Machinery, Merobel, Redex, Suntes, WPT Power and Stromag Coupling have chosen R.I.K to be their preferred distributor or agent.

RIK is also the Authorised Rebuilt Center for Eaton Airflex and with expertise in servicing and repair of Coremo Clutches and Brakes, Logan Clutch and Air Shaft.

Brands We Represent