Goizper Brakes and Clutches
Goizper Industrial is one of the leading technology providers offering differential and global solutions in power transmission components (brakes, clutches, turning systems, cams, elevators, etc.).
Goizper designs, manufactures and markets customised power transmission components and solutions to meet different market needs in sectors and applications like metal forming, automotive, aeronautics, packaging, construction, marine, machine tools, etc.
Its reliable, customised design and its ability to adapt to the market have made Goizper one of the main benchmarks in countries such as Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy and France.
Goizper – Pneumatic Clutch - Brakes
The brakes, clutches and clutch brakes transfer the motor’s rotating movement to accelerate or decelerate in short times and are the key solution in machinery in different sectors, such as Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Metal Stamping, Presses, Shears, Folders, Servo Presses, Lifting equipment, turbines…etc
Goizper – Combined Clutch-Brake or Clutch-Brake Combination
A system with a dual braking and clutching function, but the functions may not both be activated at the same time.

Series 5.8

Series 5.7

Series 5.0

Series 5.5

Series 5.6
Goizper – Clutch-Brake
For cases in which technical issues prevent the use of the Combined Clutch-Brake arrangement, we offer the separate brake and clutch solution. The Multi-Disc Pneumatic Clutch is engaged when air pressure is supplied and releases when there the supplied air pressure is cut-off. The pneumatic safety brakes use springs to brake when there is no air pressure.

Series 5.35

Series 5.36
Goizper – Oil-Pneumatic Combined Clutch-Brake or Clutch-Brake Combination
A Multi-Disc Clutch-Brake of the 5.W series, which Pneumatic Actuated and Oil-cooled. It combines the activation of the pneumatic clutch with the capacity of the hydraulic clutches. As a result, we have a clutch-brake with the possibility of achieving high frequency maneuvers. The cooling depends on the energy dissipation required by the application

Series 5.W
Goizper – Hydraulic Clutch - Brakes
The brakes, clutches and clutch brakes transfer the motor’s rotating movement to accelerate or decelerate in short times and are the key solution in machinery in different sectors, such as Metal Cutting, Metal Forming, Metal Stamping, Presses, Shears, Folders, Servo Presses, Lifting equipment, turbines…etc
Goizper – Combined Clutch-Brake or Clutch-Brake Combination
A system with a dual braking and clutching function, but the functions may not both be activated at the same time.

Series 6.21

Series 6.28
Goizper – Clutch-Brake
For cases in which technical issues prevent the use of the Combined Clutch-Brake arrangement, we offer the separate brake and clutch solution. The Multi-Disc Hydraulic Clutch is engaged when Oil pressure is supplied and releases when there the supplied Oil pressure is cut-off. In the case of the brake, the activation of the Brakes could either be by Oil Pressure or Springs.

Series 6.32

Series 6.11
Series 6.12

Series 6.42
Series 6.42B
Goizper – Electromagnetic Clutch and Brake
These Clutches and Brakes are Electrically ‘actuated’. When electricity is supplied to the coil, the magnetic flux attracts the armature to the face of the Clutch or Brake. As it does so, it squeezes the inner and outer friction disks together.
Goizper – Multi-Disc Electromagnetic Clutch and Brake,
The magnetic body will be assembled on the drive shaft, that is, in continuous rotation, in order not to increase the inertia of the masses to be moved on each manoeuvre and also to avoid having to apply the current on each start on a collector at rest, which may cause sparks especially when it works in oil. Its main feature is that it has sintered discs that can work both dry and in an oil bath.

Series 4.03

Series 4.05

Series 4.25

Series 4.50

Series 4.53
Goizper – Mono-Disc Electromagnetic Clutch and Brake
Brake In their released position, they do not have a residual torque thanks to a spring in the casing.

Series 4.60
Series 4.61

Series 4.62
Series 4.63
Series 4.64

Series 4.67
Series 4.68
Goizper – Safety Electromagnetic Brake
By means of springs in the absence of electric current, which is why they are called negative or safety.

Series 4.7
Goizper – Tooth Electromagnetic Clutch
Transmission is performed by coupling the front teeth of the driving part with the corresponding teeth of the driven part. Tooth Clutches are static engagement (no slipping allowed)

Series 4.40

Series 4.41

Series 4.42
Goizper – Planetary Gear
Offered as complete and compact solutions with a variety of different types of assembly from 4,000 Nm to 200,000 Nm. Either Pneumatic or Hydraulic, each solution is made especially for each customer. All our planetary gears are also designed in a wide range of sizes and can be adapted for their specific solution.

Planetary Gear
– Pneumatic

Planetary Gear
– Hydraulic
Goizper – Index Units Servo Rotary Tables
Based on flat, cylindrical, globic cams and special designs according to customer needs, providing solutions to sectors such as welding, packaging, automotive, aeronautics, etc.
Goizper – Index Units Rotary Table
A wide range of solutions adapted to needs requiring a high degree of positioning accuracy and stopping speed. They simultaneously control the movement, speed, acceleration and shock.

Rotary Tables

Rotary Tables

Globic Cam
Index Units

Intermittent Units